Building and Renovating
Welcome to the Township of Brock Building and Renovating page, this page is where you will find general information around the building permit process and an FAQ section that may answer your specific questions. For more detailed specific information or if you are ready to apply for a permit please go to our Building Permits page.
How we can help?
Our part in helping you successfully complete your project involves the following:
- Check to make sure that your project meets all the required laws and regulations
- Review your plans and required submissions
- Issue building permits
- Make inspections at different stages of your project
There are many different types of projects and some necessary things to consider. We understand that trying to find answers and what they mean can be difficult. Our goal is to make this process as easy as possible because we want your completed project to be safe and healthy.
How do I start?
Your property's zoning will need to be reviewed for what setbacks apply from your proposed building to the lot lines. This will help determine if your building can be located where you want without requiring any further planning approvals.
Once you've determined your proposed building location meets the zoning requirements you can begin creating your site plan. This site plan will show all the dimensions to lot lines, septic and well location as well as any other structures on the property.
Municipal Staff suggest sending your site plan in for review prior to getting to far into the building process. The confirmation of your site plan will ensure that your project will not encounter any planning approval requirements during the permit review stage. We highly suggest this process for the development of vacant land. If you have any inquiries on how to create a site plan or wish to send your site plan in by email for review, please email the Planning Department.
We also suggest that you review the Applicable Law Checklist that will be a required attachment to your Building Permit Application. This checklist will help you identify if any other approvals are required as part of your Building Permit submission.
Frequently asked Questions
Can I do my own drawings? |
Owners of houses with 1 or 2 dwelling units may design and take responsibility for their own drawings. However, a level of design competency and an understanding of construction is required. If you feel overwhelmed, you would be well advised to hire a designer with the appropriate credentials. All designers must be registered by Ontario's Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Ask your designer for their Building Code Identification Number (BCIN) to ensure they are qualified and search the Public Search Registry.
Can my contractor or designer apply for the Building Permit on my behalf? |
You can have either the contractor or designer apply on your behalf if you fill out a Letter of Authorization. Although the contractor or designer is acting on your behalf, you are responsible to ensure inspections are scheduled and work is passed by the inspector. Ultimately, under Ontario's Building Code, the owner is responsible for all construction on their property.
I am buying a new home and wish to do renovations, can I apply before taking ownership? |
You need an authorization letter from the current owner of the house prior to applying for a building permit. If you have bought a house that is in mid project from the previous owner, you must apply for a Transfer of Permit. You can also submit for the permit, have all approval and zoning in place, then apply for the final Building Permit once you own the property. |
How Long is my permit good for? |
If, after 6 months, construction has not yet commenced, your permit may be revoked as per section 8 of the Building Code Act. If you find you cannot start the project within the 6 months, you can write to the Chief Building Official for an extension on the permit. |
Why have I not been informed that my neighbour applied for a building permit? |
Ontario’s Building Code Act and municipal Zoning By-laws allow construction to be carried out in accordance with Ontario's Building Code and applicable law. This is not a public process where neighbours would be notified. Where the proposed construction would not comply with Zoning By-law, an application to the Committee of Adjustment for a Minor Variance to the zoning requirements may allow the applicant some relief. This is a public process where neighbours within 60 meters would be notified. |
What do I do if I decide to change my plans before I get my Building Permit? |
You must submit the revised drawing(s) to the Building Division. There may be a fee associated with the submission. |
What do I do if I decide to change my plans after I get my Building Permit? |
You must submit the revised drawing(s) to the Building Division prior to changing the construction from the plans on which the permit was issued. Any construction completed not in accordance with the permit drawings will result in orders being placed on the project. If you have a contractor doing the work, ensure the contractor submits revised drawings prior to commencing the change. There will be a fee associated with the revised submission. |
Do I need a permit to Demolish a Building? |
Yes you need a permit to demolish any building over 108 square feet or for any structure that has plumbing. If the structure is connected to municipal water and services, the property owner must call the Building Division to have the capping off of the services inspected. It is the responsibility of the property owner to have the utilities (i.e. Hydro, Gas) located prior to demolition. Once the site is clear of debris, another inspection is required to clear the permit. Any material must be disposed in an approved site. There are exceptions for some buildings on a farm. |
Do I need a permit for changes to my plumbing? |
Yes, a Permit is required for the installation of water, drain pipes and fixtures. |
What if someone is constructing without a permit? |
If someone is constructing a building without a permit, you can call the Township at (705) 432-2355 X230 to register a complaint with the Building Department. The Building Department will need:
Do I require a permit for Landscaping? |
Most types of landscaping, such as hedges, patio stones, etc., do not require permits. However, a Site Alteration Permit may be required from the Building Department if significant changes are being made to the grade or additional fill is being imported. |
Do I need a permit to do electrical work? |
For electrical permits and information, contact the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) at 1-877-372-7233. It is the regulatory body responsible for this type of work across Ontario. |
Does my new home have a warranty? |
Tarion, the private company that provides new home warranty protection for most new homes and condominiums built in Ontario by registered builders, licenses all home and condominium builders pursuant to the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act. This statute requires home builders to provide purchasers with warranty coverage that is guaranteed by Tarion. It also establishes minimum time standards for after-sales service, and adjudicates issues between homeowners and builders. |
I am the property owner and I want to build my own home, will my home be protected by Tarion? |
Property owners who act as their own general contractor (i.e. you are personally hiring each of the various construction trades) and intend to live in the home after construction, will not be covered by warranty under the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act. |
If I am going to hire a designer for my project, how do I find out about their qualifications? |
As the owner of the property, you are responsible for ensuring that you have hired qualified people. For more information regarding designer qualification and exemptions, please contact Ontario's Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH). Designer qualifications can be viewed through the MMAH or by accessing its online Public Search Registry. |